Top Greatest Places to watch Sunrise in Bali

Surya Sharma

Watching the rise of the skyline is a feeling that is unparalleled. These golden lights mark the start of a new day as the world slowly wakes up. Bali is known to be one of the most beautiful islands in Indonesia, make sure to include these places in your Bali Holiday Package if you want to catch a glimpse of the sunrise here. We have listed a number of Things To Do In Bali that you must visit during your trip.

Sanur Beach Pantai Karang

This beach is situated on the southeast coast of Bali. You can drive there very easily if you type the name in Google Maps. Make sure to hit the road early before the rush hour starts. You only have to pay a parking fee of 2.000 IDR. Reach there half an hour early so that you get a good parking spot and can set up your camera to watch and capture the magical sunrise in peace. 

The tide in this location is low in the morning and therefore you can catch the beautiful sun rising on the shoreline and enjoy the reflections on the water. You can even get to witness Mount Agung if the day is very clear. Watch the sunrise along with the locals and tourists in this popular spot in Bali.

Jatiluwih rice fields

Jatiluwih rice fields, the beautiful fields situated in Jatiluwih are very easy to find. You can enter the location with a fee of 40K per person. If you want to avoid this fee you can try and reach there before an hour or when it is still dark. Reach there before 30 minutes if you want to capture the moment and set up your camera. 

This rice field in Bali is a UNESCO World Heritage site. If the skies are clear you can catch a glimpse of the Batukaru mountains and Mount Agung volcano. You can even book a bike to go on a tour of the green rice fields.

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Bukit Cinta near Amed

As the name of the location suggests Bukit Cinta. If you stay in Amed the previous night the drive is really short and easy. The entrance is free here. Arrive at the location 15 minutes before sunrise to set up your camera and capture the beautiful moment.

This place will give you one of the best views of Mount Agung. This place is also known as the ‘hill of love’. Watch the sunrise as it washes you in romantic pink and red lights. Soak the first rays of the sun and the view from this spot. It is one of the best and greatest Places to watch Sunrise in Bali!

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Pura Ulun Danu Bratan

One of the most historic places to watch Sunrise in Bali is Pura Ulun. It was built in the 17th century. It is 1200 meters above sea level. You will be happy to know that most of the time you will find the temple floating on the lake, this makes up for a view that is one of its kind. If the night before the sunrise is cold you are going to get a clear view of the sunrise from this place. It is a sight to behold.

This temple is located around Lake Bratan in the village of Bedugul in the North of Bali. The entrance fee to this temple is 50.000 IDR. Once you reach the place around the sunrise you will find that this place is not as crowded as the others. Indulge yourself in setting up your camera and taking beautiful pictures from this spot.

Mahagiri Panoramic Resort and Restaurant

This resort is situated in Rendang, Karangasem in Bali. If you are staying in this resort then that is well good but if you are here for the sunrise make to order something just out of respect for the hotel. You can tell the security that you are here for the sunrise and they will let you in.

This is a hidden gem that will offer you a beautiful unobstructed view of Mount Agung. You will get to witness the sunrise from the right side of Mount Agung. The best part is the terrace of the resort is enough for you to enjoy this beautiful sunrise.


From floating temples to resorts and beaches, all these places listed will ensure you catch that first ray of the light on your Places To Visit In Bali in a hassle-free way. Be sure to do some research about the places you will go to the night before. Know your way around through google maps and always try to reach the places early so that you can get ahead of the crowd and capture beautiful shots.

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